Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Thief’s story

Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Thief’s story, Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Thief’s story

Character sketch of Anil

Anil was a kind, simple and easy going young man. he was tall and lean stature and interested in sports like wrestling. Anil was not very rich and could not afford to employee Hari as a cook. He had the patience and goodness to not only teach Hari to cook but also to read, write and add numbers. Through he knew that Hari was stealing little bits of money from him, he ignored this fact. Anil was a writer who wrote for magazines and made money in fits and starts. He was very trusting person.Pm Kisan Samman Nidhi:योजना के पैसे खाते में आये या नहीं जानकारी

Even when he earned a large amount of money, he kept the money under his mattress and not under a lock and key. He was generous and paid Hari when he got some money. Hari had tried to steal money from him. He was forgiving and he forgave Hari- the theft and continued to be good to him.

Character Sketch of Hari Singh

Hari Singh was a 15 year boy who was an experienced and a successful thief. Hari was successful because of his cleverness and intelligence. He carefully planned everything before choosing his victims. He went to places where people would unsuspected him and win their confidence to get the job. After sometimes he would run away stealing money from there. Thus he used to change his name to fool the police and his former employers. Thus he was a lair. He was cruel enough to rob a simple and trusting man like Anil. He managed to steal six hundred rupee from his house.

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Later there is a transformation in the end of this story where he decided to come back to Anil and keep his trust alive. This shows that there is good in every bad person. He wanted to become an educated person in future. He wanted to mend his ways and earn his livelihood honestly without stealing.

Read and Find out and Oral comprehensions

1, Who does ‘I’ refers in this story ?

Answer: In this story ‘I’ refers to the thief.

2. What is he “a fairly successful hand at” ?

Answer: He was a fairly successful had at stealing and robbing people.

3. What does he get from Anil in return of his work ?

Answer: When Hari asked Anil if he could work for him, Anil said that he could not pay him. Finally, the agreement was that if he would cook , Anil would feed him. However, Anil soon found that he did not know how to cook. Therefore, He taught him how to cook and later how to write his name. He promised he would teach him how to write whole sentences and how to add numbers. Apart from this when Hari went out to by days supply, he would make a profit of a rupee a day.

Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Thief’s story

4. What does the thief think Anil will react to the theft ?

Answer: The thief thought that on discovered theft, Anil’s face would show a touch of sadnedd. The sadness would not be for the loss of money but for the loss of trust.

5. What does he say about the different reactions of people when they robbed ?

Answer: In his sort carrier as a thief, he had made a study of mans face when they loft their goods. He said that the greedy man showed fear, the rich man showed anger and the poor man showed acceptance.

6. Does Anil realize that he had been robbed ?

Answer: Yes, Anil realized that he had been robbed. He knew this probably because all the notes were wet and damp from the rain. However, he did not say anything to the thief and behaved normally.

A summary of Chapter The Thief’s story.

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In this chapter the Thief’s story a young boy name Hari sing and a simple man Anil. It quite pleasant working for Anil. I made a tea in the morning and then would take my time buying the day’s supplies, usually making profit of about a rupee a day. I think he knew I made a little money this way but he did not seem to mind. Anil made money by fits and starts. he would borrow one week. Lend the next wee. He kept worrying about his next cheque, but as soon as arrived he would go out and celebrate. It seems he wrote for magazines a queer way to make a living!

One evening he came home with a small bundle of notes, saying he had just sold a book to a publisher.

At night, I saw him tuck the money under the mattress.

I had been working for Anil for almost a month and, apart from cheating on the shopping, had not done anything in my line of work. I had every opportunity for doing so. Anil had given me a key to the door and i could come and go as I pleased. He was the most trusting person I had ever met.

And that is why it was so difficult to rob him. It’s easy to rob a greedy man, because he can afford to be robbed, but it is difficult to rob a careless man sometimes he doesn’t even notice he’s been robbed and that takes all the pleasure oput of the work.

Well, it’s time I did some real work, I told myself, I’m out of practice and is I don’t take the money, he’ll only waste it on his friends. After all, he doesn’t even pay me.

Anil was asleep, A beam of moonlight steeped over the balcony and fell on the bed. I sat up on the floor, considering the situation. It I took the money, I could catch the 10.30 express to Lucknow. Slipping out of the blanket, I crept up to the bed, Anil was sleeping peacefully. His face was clear and unlined; even I had more marks on my face, though mine were mostly scars.
My hand slid under the mattress, searching for the notes. when I found them, I drew them out without a sound. Anil sighed in his sleep and turned on his side, towards me. I was startled and quickly crawled out of the room.

When was on the road, I began to run. I had the notes at my waist, held there by the string of my pyjamas. I slowed down to a walk and counted the notes; 600 rupees in fifties! I could live like an oil-rich Arab for a week or two.

When I reached the station I did not stop at the ticked office but dashed straight to the platform. The Lucknow express was just moving out. The train had still to pick up speed and I should have been able to jump into one of the carriages, but I hesitated for some reason I can’t explain and lost the chance to get away.

When the Train had gone, I found myself standing alone on the deserted platform. I had no idea where to spend the night. I had no friends, believing that friends were more trouble than help. And I did not want to make anyone curious by staying at one of the small hotels near the station. The only person I knew really well was the man I had robbed. Leaving the station. I walked slowly through the bazaar.

In my sort carrier as a thief, I had made a study of men’s faces when they lost their goods. The greedy man showed fear; the rich man showed anger; the poor man showed acceptance. But I knew that Anil’s face, when he discovered the theft, would show a touch of sadness. Not for the loss of money, but for the loss of Trust.

I found myself in the maidan and sat down on a bench. The night was chilly – It was early November – and a light drizzle added to my discomfort. Soon it was raining quite heavily. My shirt and pyjamas stuck to my skin, and a cold wind blew the rain across my face.

I went back to the bazaar and sat down in the shelter of the clock tower. The clock showed midnight. I felt for the notes. They were damp from the rain.

Anil’s money. In the morning he would probably have given me two or three rupees to go to the cinema, but now I had it all. I couldn’t cook his meals, run to the bazaar or learn to write whole sentences any more.

I had forgotten about them in the excitement of the theft. whole sentences, I knew, could one day bring me more than a few hundred rupees. It was simple matter to steal- and sometimes just as simple to be caught. But to be a realy big man, a clever and respected man, was something else. I should go back to Anil, I told myself, if only to learn to read and write.
Then my hand found the edge of the mattress, and slipped under it with the notes.
I awoke late next morning to find that Anil had already made the tea. He stretched out his hand towards me. There was a fifty-rupee note between his fingers. My heart sank. I thought I had been discovered. “I made some money yesterday,” he explained. “Now you’ll be paid regularly.

Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Thief’s story

My spirit rose. But when i too the note, I saw it was still wet from the night’s rain. “Today we’ll start writing sentences,” he said.

He knew. But neither his lips nor his eyes showed anything. I smile at Anil in my most appealing way. And the smile came by itself, without any effort.

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