Q.1. Given below is the diagram of the experiment to show that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration. The part which is incorrectly labellled is: [2010-11]Baink Khata Yojana
[A] KOH pellets
Q.1. Given below is the diagram of the experiment to show that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration. The part which is incorrectly labellled is: [2010-11]Baink Khata Yojana
[A] KOH pellets
[B] Delivery tube
[C] Germinating seeds
[D] Lime water
Ans. Lime water.
Q.2. In the experiment shown in the figure, water level rises in the bent tube because: [2010-11]
[A] Germinating seeds consume all the oxygen and carbon dioxide
[B] Germinating seeds consume oxygen and give out carbon dioxide which is absorbed by KOH
[C] Carbon dioxide is given out by the germinating seeds
[D] Seeds need water for germination
Ans. Germinating seeds consume oxygen and give out carbon dioxide which is absorbed by KOH.
Q.3. To prepare a good temporary amount of a leaf peel showing many stomata, the student has to get the peel from the: [2012-13] Techenical Bharti |Jvvnl Bharti |
[A] Tip of the leaf
[B] Lower surface of the leaf
[C] Upper surface of the leaf
[D] None of the above
Ans. Lower surface of the leaf
Q.4. What is the right procedure to remove chlorophyll from a destarched leaf: [2012-13]
[A] Boil the destarched leaf in lime water
[B] Boil the destarched leaf in alcohol
[C] Boil the destarched leaf in the water only
[D] Boil the destarched leaf in mixture of alcohol and water
Ans. Boil the destarched leaf in alcohol.
Q.5. The function of KOH in the experimental set up to show that CO2 is released during respiration is: [2012-13]
[A] To enhance respiration
[B] To release O2 for respiration
[C] To remove water vapours from flask
[D] To absorb CO2 released by germinating seeds
Ans. To absorb CO2 released by germinating seeds
Q.6. The teacher instructed a student to place a healthy potted plant in a dark room for 24 hours prior to an experiment on photosynthesis. The purpose of placing the plant in a dark room is: [2012-13]
[A] To increase intake of CO2
[B] To activate the chloroplasts in leaves
[C] To destarch te leaves
[D] To denature the enzymes in the leaves
Ans. To destarch the leaves.
Q.7. The role of KOH in the experiment to show that CO2 is given out during respiration is: [2013-14]
[A] To absorb O2
[B] To absorb CO2
[C] To create a partial vacuum in the flask
[D] Both [B] and [C]
Ans. Both [B] and [C]
Q.8. The color of light in which the photosynthesis is minimum: [2013-14]
[A] Red
[B] Blue
[C] Green
[D] Yellow
Ans. Green
Q.9. In an experiment to show that sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis, the leaf is boiled in alcohol for few minutes using a water bath. It is essential because: [2013-14]
[A] Alcohol is highly volatile
[B] Steam from water bath heats the leaf rapidly
[C] Steam from the water dissolves chlorophyll
[D] Alcohol is inflammable
Ans. Alcohol is inflammable
Q.10. The material used to seal the connections of set up for demonstrating that CO2 is given out during respiration is: [2013-14]
[A] Wax
[B] Vaseline
[C] Glue
[D] Oil
Ans. Wax
Q.11. In the experimental set up to show that CO2 is given out during respiration, KOH is kept in the conical flask to: [2014-15]Lic –जीवन बीमा जानकारी
[A] Create partial vacuum in the flask
[B] Absorb moisture in the flask
[C] Provide O2 to the germinating seeds
[D] Keep the flask air tight
Ans. Create partial vacuum in the flask
Q.12. To show that light is necessary for photosynthesis, Rahul’s science teacher told him to cover the leaf with a thick black paper, the reason for this was:
[A] To turn leaf blue black
[B] To destarch a leaf
[C] To decolorise a leaf
[D] To prevent the light from entering the leaf
Ans. To prevent the light from entering the leaf
Q.13. Ravi followed the following procedure for staining the temporary amount of a leaf peel on a slide: [2015-16]
[A] Put a single drop of stain on the leaf peel and washed with water
[B] Cover the leaf peel with cover slip
[C] Observe under the microscope
[D] Put a single drop of water or glycerine on the leaf peel
The correct steps are:
[a] a,b,c,d.
[b] a,d,b,c.
[c] d,a,b,c.
[d] a,b,d,c
Ans. d,a,b,c.
Q.14. In the experiment to show that light is necessary for photosynthesis if the plant leaf is not destarched then its covered as well as uncovered part show blue color in iodine test. The reason for the observations is that:
[A] Leaf has no starch left
[B] Leaf has starch left from photosynthesis
[C] Leaf is only respiring
[D] Leaf is dead
Ans. Leaf has starch left from photosynthesis